S7rthakGood AlertsThis write up summarizes some Opinions™ that I have around good alerts, particularly in the context of infrastructure and platforms. The…Oct 1Oct 1
S7rthakApache Flink — ObservabilityApache Flink is an open source framework, written in Java and Scala, for stateful processing of real-time and batch data streams. Flink…Sep 19Sep 19
S7rthakProtecting Sensitive Data in Temporal: Encryption At RestTemporal is a powerful workflow orchestration platform, but: by default, it doesn’t provide at-rest encryption for your workloads. While…Sep 15Sep 15
S7rthakSolving Metrics at scale with VictoriaMetricsI started my career at Vedantu, where I worked on solving some of the observability platform problems related to scaling metrics, traces…Oct 14, 2023Oct 14, 2023
S7rthakSolving Coding Problem: Best Time to Buy and Sell StockGiven an array of integers where the ith integer represents the price of the stock on day i, return the largest possible profit from…Feb 6, 2021Feb 6, 2021
S7rthakinWebtipsSumming Root To Leaf NumbersSum Root to Leaf Numbers is an interesting problem from LeetCode. The problem is of medium difficulty and is about binary trees. This post…Jul 29, 2020Jul 29, 2020
S7rthakSolution: Find the center of the mazeA man starts from the north-west (top-left) corner of the land and begins walking towards the center of it, in a spiral manner. As the man…Jul 21, 2020Jul 21, 2020
S7rthakSolution: Two SumYou’re given an array of integers. Write a function that returns a pair of numbers such that they sum up to zero.Jul 21, 2020Jul 21, 2020
S7rthakSolution: Pluses and Minuses Coding ProblemYou’re given a list of integers and a sum, S.Jul 20, 2020Jul 20, 2020
S7rthakinWebtipsSolution: Letter Combinations on Phone’s KeypadIn older phones, the keypads are used to type both numbers and letters, as follows:Jul 20, 2020Jul 20, 2020